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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 8th, 2024


  • Lot of people who don’t care about reality and mild their minds around propaganda believes that. In fact, trump has never said (more than macron) that US would quit/dispose/whatever NATO (as if he could do it, even willing it). What he did was to ask for Europe to put more money on the table…, which since at least one year they already did (he was asking for 2% Europe PBI, he has that and more)

  • very much this. there are plenty of studies that shows a direct correlation between icreasing economic difficulties and birth rate fall in europe (and is super evident for example in france where the dismantle of the wellfare state last 15 years drop birth rate from 2.8 to 1.9 in same amount of years, process being more strong during the “Macron era”).
    Of course this does not applies to a lot of countries that are not in good economic shape (in the global south) because in those countries neoliberalism and the massive individualisation of society is just present in the upper statements, while the popular classes still rely in its community, also for reproduction.

  • Back in the 90’s (no idea how that would be now), at Cuba. police was formed mostly by people doing its military service (which was, at the time, 3 years).
    Many of my highschool friends worked as proximity police because of that.
    So no, not all C AB.
    Said that, I would say that there are a ton of material and social conditions to ensures that, at least in a capitalist country, the role is fullfilled by Bs.

  • Yeah, is thruth but we need to realise that russian strategy is not to seize territory. That’s part of NATO’s propaganda, which attrubutes the russian military objectives it does not has : “to conquer” ukraine and to “dominate” it, then, when those objectives will not be achieved (because not pursued), they can claim victory regardless the real result of the conflct.
    Russia’s objectives are very clear: de-nazification of Ukraine (also meaning stopping persecutions to russian-originary ukraine inhabitants) and to avoid ukraine to join the NATO. To get the donbass was not in plans but now that they got it, of course they will not give it back (also, because being part of Russia was the donbass people own expectatives).