Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]

  • 40 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2024


  • I have a bit of a morbid curiosity about outlaw biker gangs. Most dudes in them are pretty comfortably in the middle class (though usually the lower, more rural, more “redneck” subsections of it), yet they get involved with this rather complex organizations of drug smugglers and arms traffickers, not out of economic need or desperate survival, but like… they just kinda dig the lifestyle.

    It’s like a very Boomer version of organized crime, a bunch of mediocre white dudes hang around drinking brewskies and doing macho shit, but unlike most LARPs it evolved into them moving meth across international borders and selling M16s to the cartel.

  • From what I gathered, his buddy talked him into opening another muffler shop in Granby (he already had one in Boulder, but he had handed off the day to day operations to some guy so he could grill (well actually snowmobile, he was really into snowmobiling apparently)), and he bought the land for it at auction. The land had belonged to some local guy but the guy had defaulted on a government small business loan or something, and that guy had managed to find some dude last minute to front him the money to re-buy it back at auction, but Marvin showed up and dropped way more cash on it than anyone was expecting. So, technically Marvin didn’t do anything wrong, he showed up at an auction and out bidding some dude, but that apparently pissed some locals off who felt the original owner was being screwed. Other locals tho apparently thought the original owner was a dick and liked Marvin better shrug-outta-hecks

    Oh yeah and apparently Marvin’s buddy backed out of the new muffler shop deal last minute so Marvin had to run the whole thing himself which was more than he agreed to.

  • I recently got like halfway through a like 3 hour YT doc on the guy that goes way more into detail than Rozc from WTYP does in his 30 min one(which is where I assume most people here got their info). Granted the YT channel seems to be run by some Christian dude who lives out west so demographically he’s more inclined to sympathize with Killdozer than a Succ civil engineer podcaster from Philly, but regardless he did seem to cite his sources a bit better.

    I got really bored with it because the main issue seems to be that nobody still alive involved in this incident can seem to get their story straight. The whole thing happened over the course of a fucking decade and it seems nobody really remembers the lead up to the rampage very well.

    From what I could gather before I passed out from too many beers, Marvin was a small business Kulak libertarian, but it does seem he stepped on the toes of some local townies when he bought that property at auction. I don’t think there was a conspiracy of any sort but I do think they jerked him around a bit. Also previously Marvin had been a rather successful small business Kulak, so much so he essentially retired early to go grill in some mountain town before getting talked back into being a Kulak by a buddy but then that new business started going bad right around the time he was getting jerked around by these townies.

    Long and short, seems he did get fucked over but he overreacted cuz he was an entitled small business AnCap douche. Least that’s what it seems.

  • My hot take: gay fascists, and really all fash who contradictorily are/do things fash don’t usually like, really are just there because despite all its moralizing fascism is a nihilistic-hedonistic ideology. Fash don’t really believe in all that purity crap, they ideology is might=right, and if you’re mighty enough you can do whatever you want, even crap you just told other people not to do. So I think gay fascists are just sadists who figure if they’re tough enough the other fascists will give them a pass and they can get away with whatever sick shit they want, and often they’re right.