• 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • Good to hear you’re getting on alright.

    Late last week, while sitting on the toilet the light in the bathroom went out. Lights in the the other bathroom were also out. Anything plugged into the electrical outlets also did not work… with one exception, a very tiny and very dim LED night light. Nothing else in the house is affected, other rooms on the same circuit were not affected. Biggest bummer was that the air conditioner for the bedroom was now not working and it was going to be at least 100 degrees F for the next few days.

    Crawl around in the attic, slowly boiling my brain. Two different sections of electrical wire, on two different circuits, had a total of 18 inches of insulation stripped from the neutral and ground wires. One section had the ground wire completely chewed through.

    Kinda got all panicky about needing to hire an electrician.

    We said, “fuck it”, and did a lightening run to Lowes and spent about 100 bucks on stuff to splice in a new section of wire to replace the stripped out section.

    Two days later and only one accident of cutting a live wire later (didn’t die, go me) everything is good to go and we’ve got A/C in the bedroom again.

    Guess lots of folks are taking vacation days and I’ve got quite a few opportunities to get some extra hours of pay over the last few weeks.

    Two good things so far… now I’m just waiting for the bad thing to balance everything out. armed-crab

  • @CarsAndComrades@hexbear.net, any advice?

    Our very own CarsandComrades has done a few podcasts with Zac from the Automotive Free Clinic. Been a while since I’ve listened to the few episodes and I can’t remember how much they went into the “business incorporation” side of things. Unsure of the all specific differences between a for-profit worker coop and a non-profit. There will be some different accounting, book keeping and tax stuff for sure but I’m pretty ignorant of the owner/manager/board of directors (or its equivalent) differences. But it might not be a bad idea to call/email the Automotive Free Clinic and chat them up.

    I think the below link is the first episode where they talk to Zac of the Automotive Free Clinic.


    It wouldn’t surprise me that, assuming its just going to be the three of you, it would be easier to modify the LLC to just have another owner. Then its probably going to be a matter of figuring out how to account for them “buying in” and getting their name updated on the official documents, planning ahead for if/when an owner wants to sell their shares of the business when they don’t want to be a part of the LLC anymore.

    It seems like coops tend to be required to have Boards of Directors and elections, it would make sense that the Directors can’t be the workers, but if the local community is pretty tight knit and all cool with each other this probably won’t cause problems though.

    Reach out to that restaurant that’s a worker coop probably is a good idea. Maybe go visit the place a few times when its not super busy and try to chat up the front of house workers to get a feel for the place before trying to contact the “business manager” side of things.

    You should be able to contact local chamber of commerce or local government types to see if they can give you some direction in organizing the business as a coop. If there’s a university nearby or a agricultural extension agency (may or may not be associated with the university) they might have some community outreach orgs/programs that can try to help guide you and assist in research. For the university, you’re probably going to be looking for resources under the umbrella of “Business School” or “Business Law.” If there’s a local Farmer’s Coop, you might be able to find somebody to talk about organizing a coop as well.

  • What we don’t know, is the law meant to be used to punish infidelity or to punish somebody taking advantage of a lonely spouse of a deployed soldier?

    I’d imagine that if the law was meant to “protect a lonely spouse from being taken advantage of” it wouldn’t matter which gender the stay behind spouse was interacting with.