CrimsonSage [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • I am not intending to be hostile. I am just very confused as too what you think ethinc groups are, because you say that the Scottish are not a different ethnic group from the English and then in detail explain how the Scottish are actually a distinct group from the English. Like ethnic groups are not hard boundaries, some people move between them multiple times in their lives. For example tons of people n western anatolia who’s ancestors 200 years ago would have considered themselves as Turkish and Greek and were only later forced to become solely Turkish due to the events after ww1. They may not have even changed anything about how they lived their lives, and may still even speak Greek as a second language. Like ethnicity isn’t a genetic thing that can be tested for. It also isn’t a permanent thing but something that can form expand shrink and be absorbed into another. Like Welsh is a good example of this, 100 years ago you could easily say that the Welsh ethnicity was on its way to extinction, while now it has made a huge comeback as Welsh language and culture have been encouraged in schools.

    Like ethnicity also doesn’t have to be a serious thing people die over. How ethnicity is handled in the US and Britain are actually one if the few things we have managed to handle well as societies.

  • Literally you are just saying ethnicity doesn’t exist then. Like Scots are literally a different ethnicity than the English this isnt my opinion is a historical fact. In fact language is one of the prime determinants of ethnic groupings, and the fact that Ukrainian exists is a strong inducator of an ethnic division. You can chose to die on this hill if you want, but it doesn’t make you less wrong. Recognizing distinct ethnic groupings doesn’t necessitate ceeding ground to ethno nationalism, it’s just a recognition of historical grouping patterns.

  • Saying Ukraine isn’t an ethnicity is a bit of a stretch. Like Ukrainian is a separate language with a distinct history, it’s deeply related but not identical to Russian. Like Ukrainian ethno nationalists can be wrong about without having to deny that there is an ethnic group there. Like I guess what I am saying is that north and southern crackers in the 1860’s were distinct cultural groups but formed a single nation of crackerdom, you wouldbt say that like southerners “didnt exist” and were just yankees.

  • For a pre capitalist imperial project to exist you need a class/category of people, who are usual self conscious, who dominate a military hierarchy by using military power to extract value from a subaltern people or regions toward an imperial core. The system is circular in that the military hierarchy exists to extract the value upon which its existence is predicated. Also important is that the system is more or less depersonalized, bureaucratized, and expansionary. The ancient Greek west Asian empires are a perfect example of this where you even had ethnic divisions between the military class and the subordinate producing class. You really don’t see this in the crusader states. These were feudal states with very little burecratc control which were dominated by customary reciprocal laws, duties, and obligations. While they were hierarchical between the productive and ruling class, there was amuch more limited differentiation within the ruling class, and a limited drive toward expansion. Additionally there was not an extraction toward an imperial core, taxes and. Appropriation remained local to serve the sustenance of the local nobility. Also interestingly the local Francis nobility quickly developed their own synthetic culture with their Muslim neighbors and would often ally with them against newcoming Christian crusaders from the west. So no the crusades to the levant were not really imperial projects. You could argue more strongly for the Baltic or Hispanic crusades, but even then I think the argument is weak for it. This matters because sloppy historical analysis can throw doubt on the entire project of leftist historiography this strength should be consistency and impersonal rigor as compared to a more personality focused liberal project.

  • I don’t think i understand is the original person she is responding to rightly complaining that door dash is not an employment option for disabled people? Is she disagreeing with that? I really don’t understand.

    If the argument is that ‘not giving accommodations to disabled people so thet can work for door dash is wrong’ then this is correct. On top of door dash just being an awful company to all workers in general, if they discriminate against disabled people that’s extra shitty.