My stepdad is a great and nice guy, and I’ve suspected for a while that he might be autistic. He’s very quiet and reserved, rarely shows strong emotion. Chuckles rather than laughter. He’s also fixated on certain things and hobbies, and can talk/ramble about them for quite a long time. He likes puzzles and, what have been given to him, legos. Putting together and taking apart things.

Like I said, no hard evidence, but I could see it.

  • dogerwaul [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    my mother. for the longest time i thought her personality traits were merely her sucking as a person. she was abused and beaten her whole life and the anger she felt made her rotten. as i grew older i started learning about autism and even became close friends with someone who, at the time, was diagnosed with Asperger’s. then some time in my 20s i learned that my cousin was being suspected of being on the spectrum by his doctors. i started putting the pieces together then. my mother doesn’t understand human interaction. i used to think she was just an impatient, easily bothered, mean, grumpy asshole. but now i see her responding largely out of confusion and not being able to process how disorienting that is. she has gotten better with therapy, thankfully, but at one point in her life she was too difficult to be around. two things she does that make me think she could be autistic is she takes everything literally. she is extremely bad at understanding sarcasm unless it is explicitly laid out lol. also, she just doesn’t find a lot of things funny. it’s not that she has no sense of humor she just doesn’t “get” comedy. she’s also very avoidant of people.