I escaped the Reddit regime a little while ago. I consider myself a marxist-leninist-MZT. Vegetarian and vegan for a few years. I’ve a lot of thoughts on how marxism and veganism are connected. Never wrote them down. I’d like to start smth like a club for marxist vegans to develop our own proletarian theory. Most vegan theory I found is either openly bourgeois (Francione is a literal TERF) or revisionist (anti-China, anarchist, libertarian). How about fixing this?

  • IHave69XiBucks@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    To add on to what you are saying. While i think its great if people want to be vegan vegetarian or anything in their own personal lives. I do not think its possible to really separate that issue from elitism. I mean its an individual making an active choice to NOT eat things that are perfectly edible. Just having to financial ability to do that is pretty rare in the wider world. So many people simply don’t have the luxury to be picky about what they eat. They just eat what they can get and it usually still isn’t enough.

    So a community like this doesn’t make sense to me. What would make more sense tho in my opinion is a general recipe sharing community where people can share recipes. Vegan users can share affordable easy to make vegan recipes to help expose others to things they might otherwise not be aware are an option. Without trying to push a specific strict diet on them they may not be able to maintain logistically.

    • Delzur@vegantheoryclub.org
      2 months ago

      Animal products are more usually the more expensive food items. A vegan diet is cheaper, uses less land and resources. If there was no animal agriculture, we would waste less food and could feed more people.

      So quite the contrary.

      • IHave69XiBucks@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        Did i say that it wasnt cheaper? Not getting into how prices vary by region, and westerners have no concept of price since all their shit is subsidized. Price is irrelevant. If you are living in poverty you eat what is available. Sometimes that may be vegan food sometimes it will not be. You dont pick and choose the food you eat. Your just grateful to HAVE food in the first place. Have you ever had to feed yourself without access to a store at all? Thats the reality for many people.

        Many people in the world still hunt, and forage, or farm their own foods. Many others are entirely reliant on the donations of others and do not control what they get. More still rely on quick, cheap, highly processed foods that usually have animal byproducts in them.

        Like i said in my post. Wanna be vegan? Great do it. But if you actually think that its possible to change the way our societies produce food by individuals being picky about what they eat then you dont understand the issue at all. Food production is a complex global machine, and the average person has no control over it. Even if tons of people suddenly went vegan all it would accomplish is soaring prices for anything vegan forcing people to go back to animal products.

        Also food isnt the only place animal products are used. Lots of non-food items use animal products too. Avoiding all these things is a monumentally time consuming and sometimes impossible task. If the only soap you have has animal products do you just not clean yourself?

        This doesnt even get into how many people have health based dietary issues that further restrict their diets.

        This is exactly the problem with individualism. Problems like this will never be fixed by it. Just like climate change isnt going to be fixed by the actions of individuals trying to watch their carbon footprint.

        So yeah for some people in some places being vegan would be cheaper. For some it wouldnt be. For some it wouldnt even be possible. But none of that matters as its all individualistic. This is a systemic issue that requires systemic change to fix.

      • rainpizza@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        Animal products are more usually the more expensive food items. A vegan diet is cheaper, uses less land and resources. If there was no animal agriculture, we would waste less food and could feed more people.

        Outside of the western world, this is false.