• Shezzagrad@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    There’s no point talking to you when your first paragraph is incorrect. So what was the Crimea operation? South ossentia. Transistria? There was a time post soviet Russia was on a good path, but it’s literally under a former KGB lead dictatorship of a man who wants to reunify the USSR or atleast bring the same sort of glory. I’m all for nuances and I’m very nuances about Russia compared the west who see Russia=bad but you’re on the same equally dumb fallacy west=bad Russia=saint. Both are nuanced and both are pretty bad, even nations I love there’s a lot of bad, from china to turkey to Scotland. It’s good you realise the awful propoganda of the west but you just fell into another kind of propoganda and you aren’t any better at discerning propaganda than a maga or a typical western neoliberal

    • REEEEvolution@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      Crimea: Seceeded from Ukraine as per its right as autonomous republic within Ukraine. The voted to join Russia.

      South Ossetia: The region of Ossetia was split between Russia and Georgia, and the south not exactly being keen on being part of Georgia. Both Georgia and Russia kept peacekeeping forces there to prevent escalation of this situation into civil war. A few years back Georgia escalated and opened fire on the Russian forces. Russia crushed Georgia.

      Transnistria: The region seceeded, a local soviet division, which would later be integrated into the Russian armed forces, aided the secessionists.

      who wants to reunify the USSR or atleast bring the same sort of glory.

      No such statement exists.

      I’m all for nuances and I’m very nuances about Russia compared the west who see Russia=bad but you’re on the same equally dumb fallacy west=bad Russia=saint.

      Which no one here does. People are just disagreeing with your outlandish points. There’s lots to critique with Russia (its anti-communism, its Olligarchs, its treatment of the LGBTQ+ people, its nationalism etc.), yet your points all are the most batshit western allegations. Not a peep about the many valid points.