Cool, so no need to relitigate this, then? We can just let them do all that reading and decide. You really don’t have to go to all the bother to act as a pro bono speaker for all of them. Except for the ones only you can see, I suppose. Those may need help.
Wow, you talked to everyone? Man, could have used that opportunity to run that poll on Linux awareness. Hell, we could have sold that to people in the industry, I hear there’s a market for that kind of thing.
They already have 😘
Cool, so no need to relitigate this, then? We can just let them do all that reading and decide. You really don’t have to go to all the bother to act as a pro bono speaker for all of them. Except for the ones only you can see, I suppose. Those may need help.
Just letting you know that no one’s buying your bullshit ❤️
Wow, you talked to everyone? Man, could have used that opportunity to run that poll on Linux awareness. Hell, we could have sold that to people in the industry, I hear there’s a market for that kind of thing.
I aM uNbIaSeD aNd ToTaLlY nOt A BaSeMeNt TrOlL