My sincerest sympathies to anyone who gets seasonal depression…but I don’t get it. I actually loves the winter season. I love dressing in layers and going for morning dog walk breathing in the cold air. Doing a run in the cold with the air slicing through my lungs is the best. Slow cooker meals and soups. Staying indoors under thick covers with warm coffee and tea. Holiday decorations and movies/my music. God I love this time of year and I swear my mental health improves a whole grade level.

Anyone else on this site feel the same???

  • regul [any]
    3 months ago

    I fuckin wish, man. We got dumped on in early November and then nothing for like three weeks straight. It’s been sunny every day for the past week! Disgusting! How am I supposed to go skiing or kayaking if there’s no goddamn precipitation!?

    Mercifully it looks like our long bright regional nightmare is finally coming to an end.