It is a little strange to me… like I’m as doomer as the next guy, but that’s only because good things don’t happen. But now that a good thing has happened? My mood has gone WAY up, I’ve been lightly celebrating since it went down.
It reminds me of how whenever anyone brings up the concept of a general strike, a whole bunch of people who you would think would be all for it do everything they can to decry the notion from the instant someone mentions it.
Fuck, I’m dealing with that right now with a friend of mine, its frustating as hell. Guy is well-read, considers himself a Marxist, but I’ve never heard him actually support anything; all he does is critique. Every revolution has failed, this or that state isn’t really socialist, there’s no way to take advantage of this massive upswell in revolutionary sympathy and agitating around it has no strategic value. Nothing can be done because theres no left in America, but also whatever immediate ideas you suggest to start building one are wrong. I used to hold a lot of respect for his opinions, but am starting to think that in practice his politics boil down to a rationalization for pessimism and inaction. He’s got that western leftist no catch only throw thing going on. Every movement that has had to contend with the friction of existing in reality is unnaceptably tainted, only once we have read literally all the theory in existence can we begin to do any praxis at all as the world burns around us. Dude says he’s looking for the right strategy, as if those are just something you find in the woods fully formed instead of having to chisel out in real time.
Yeah, I ran out of patience for that kind of mindset a while ago. Theory is great, we should all seek to enrich ourselves through reading obviously. But at this point I’m so fucking tired of just learning and talking about things. I’m not going to personally, but when it happens? I definitely welcome, encourage, and support it in whatever way I can. Mainly by using the opportunity to agitate and educate in spaces (i.e. ) that are opened up by someone else doing something cool and good.
I had a friend like this, he was actually the one who influenced me to start reading into Marxism. Then he started calling himself a Lacanian and now he’s a pro-EU, pro-NATO misogynistic asshole
sounds like a Trotskyist lol. Yeah there is merit in the idea that while the murder of that ceo isnt the start of an anti-imperialist soviet america in the next years, it does indicate that the material conditions of americans have removedd to an more appropriate level for communist agitation.
It is a little strange to me… like I’m as doomer as the next guy, but that’s only because good things don’t happen. But now that a good thing has happened? My mood has gone WAY up, I’ve been lightly celebrating since it went down.
It reminds me of how whenever anyone brings up the concept of a general strike, a whole bunch of people who you would think would be all for it do everything they can to decry the notion from the instant someone mentions it.
Fuck, I’m dealing with that right now with a friend of mine, its frustating as hell. Guy is well-read, considers himself a Marxist, but I’ve never heard him actually support anything; all he does is critique. Every revolution has failed, this or that state isn’t really socialist, there’s no way to take advantage of this massive upswell in revolutionary sympathy and agitating around it has no strategic value. Nothing can be done because theres no left in America, but also whatever immediate ideas you suggest to start building one are wrong. I used to hold a lot of respect for his opinions, but am starting to think that in practice his politics boil down to a rationalization for pessimism and inaction. He’s got that western leftist no catch only throw thing going on. Every movement that has had to contend with the friction of existing in reality is unnaceptably tainted, only once we have read literally all the theory in existence can we begin to do any praxis at all as the world burns around us. Dude says he’s looking for the right strategy, as if those are just something you find in the woods fully formed instead of having to chisel out in real time.
Yeah, I ran out of patience for that kind of mindset a while ago. Theory is great, we should all seek to enrich ourselves through reading obviously. But at this point I’m so fucking tired of just learning and talking about things. I’m not going to
personally, but when it happens? I definitely welcome, encourage, and support it in whatever way I can. Mainly by using the opportunity to agitate and educate in spaces (i.e.
) that are opened up by someone else doing something cool and good.
I had a friend like this, he was actually the one who influenced me to start reading into Marxism. Then he started calling himself a Lacanian and now he’s a pro-EU, pro-NATO misogynistic asshole
sounds like a Trotskyist lol. Yeah there is merit in the idea that while the murder of that ceo isnt the start of an anti-imperialist soviet america in the next years, it does indicate that the material conditions of americans have removedd to an more appropriate level for communist agitation.