How often do you brush your teeth? Sure, we’ve all been told the ‘twice-a-day’ , but how many of us strictly follow it?

Are there any cultures out there with alternative practices that still maintain good oral health?

I’m intrigued to hear your brushing habits, thoughts on this, and any interesting findings you’ve stumbled upon.

  • Twice a day, once in the morning or whenever I get ready for the day and once before bed. I also brush my tongue with a tongue brush/scraper. My current struggle is trying to get flossing into my routine. I know if I keep at it, it’ll get better, but right now it’s hard to want to go to bed with the taste of blood in my mouth.

    To all of you who don’t brush in the morning, are you all nose blind? Morning breath is the worst, second only behind coffee+morning breath. Have some consideration for your fellow humans.

      2 years ago

      Water piks are a lifesaver. While I’m sure they are not as good as flossing they do get your gums healthy enough to take a mild beating. At that point you could floss here and there to remove biofilm.