Or (A)llemagne, (N)iemcy, (T)yskland, (S)aksa, (V)asija (you won’t encounter the last two unless you use a website in Finnish or Estonian, however the first three are used in numerous countries including Germany’s neighbors).
The lists are occasionally auto-translated, sometimes I see “🇹🇷 Truthahn”.
Same here, can be (G)ermany or (D)eutschland.
And when the website sucks (looking at you Microsoft), it’s Deutschland, but placed in the list at G.
Or (A)llemagne, (N)iemcy, (T)yskland, (S)aksa, (V)asija (you won’t encounter the last two unless you use a website in Finnish or Estonian, however the first three are used in numerous countries including Germany’s neighbors).
The lists are occasionally auto-translated, sometimes I see “🇹🇷 Truthahn”.
In my case it’s either (A)ustria, (Ö)sterreich (listed as O), or (Ö)sterreich (listed after Z)