That’s just movie to prepare you for the future.
You spelled present day wrong.
The future is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed.
The future is now, old man
To prepare for the future, all you need are electrolytes.
Camacho for president!
A vote for camacho is just a vote for trump
The future? It’s pretty close to now…
Idiocracy is a funny movie that I enjoy. However I’m disturbed by the number of people who say it’s a documentary, or a warning. That’s because the central premise of the movie (that humans breed wrong and if nothing is done, we’ll devolve and society will collapse) also happens to be the central premise of Eugenics.
Hey, at least in Idiocracy, once they determined the guy to be smarter than everyone else, at least they put him in charge of things…
They did try to kill him first. Several times…
Honestly, I’m kind of put off watching the movie due to those weird eugenicsy undertones… Feels like one of those “i am very smart” Reddit people looking down on the “lesser masses” and saying they shouldn’t reproduce.
I don’t think the movie in any way calls for eugenics.
If anything it called out how toxic ignorance and stupidity can be in the presence of someone who just wants to do the right thing. It shows how corporate greed and capitalism encourages stupidity to further it’s goals of creating basic labor for the corporate machines owned by billionaires to exploit.
But hey, that’s just like, my opinion man.
My spouses family is dysfunctional with many many kids and more on the way.
She’s the only functional one and its unlikely we will have kods of our own.
The premise tracks.
Agreed. As iconic as that eugenicist prologue might be, it harms humanity and doesn’t really serve the plot.
Not at all how I see it. It’s not eugenics its education, well the lack there of, that made the world in idiocracy.
The movie maybe. But that intro was basically divorced from the rest of the movie.
The intro suggested that stupid people having kids was the reason humanity started evolving backward. It invoked natural selection and “survival of the fittest.”
The intro even labeled the low birth rate couple and high birthrate couple with IQ scores to illustrate this point.
You argue that that the movie attributes the stupidity of its world to societal shifts. It does. It does a great job laying out a progression from late stage capitalism to idiocracy.
But that just further highlights how unnecessary that intro was. The intro attributed the stupidity to something entirely different.
Just watched the intro. I’m not really on board with the eugenics angle even after watching it. It’s more social darwinism than eugenics.
Eugenicists as ive always thought of it is an intended or active pursuit of creating “better” humans(or whatever species).
One factor I see being a difference between natural selection and unnatural selection. Unnatural selection being eugenics, and natural selection being what a result of an environment having an effect on the evolution of a species.
The intro Primarily sets a path of one group having more children than the other group and i will concede
itthe intelligent couple having problems having kids misrepresents the rest of the movie while still giving the audience a vehicle to how the future they wanted to craft could happen. And it also is meant to be entertainment not just exposition.Would be very interested in an in depth response from Mike Judge and the rest of the filmakers. Would be an interesting use of AI/Deepfake to redo the intro if it actually wasnt intended to invoke a eugenic view of the future
Welcome to Costco, I love you
I always say everyone should see requiem for a dream, but no one should watch it. That film does more for stopping drug abuse than any government program ever did.
“Ass to ass!”
I’m going to be on television!
One of my favorite movies that I’ll probably never watch again. The Kronos Quartet did an awesome job with the soundtrack.
Office Space
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
deleted by creator
I find it inconceivable that no one has mentioned ‘The Princess Bride’ yet.
That word… I think it means exactly what you think it means.
It’s immaterial, it is automatically disqualified from the list because we’ve all already seen it multiple times.
Bonus points for the actor Wallace Shawn being based
Mawwiage is what bwings us togevah today.
The Fifth Element.
Super green.
“Listen lady, I speak two languages: English and BAD English!”
Leeloo Dallas multipass
Grave of the Fireflies
Whoa! Calm down there, Satan.
Main-lining high grade depression. It’s my go-to threat when someone tells me they think anime is ‘too silly’ to watch.
Great film - I think the world would benefit from more people watching it. But it is so depressing, I don’t think it is a film everyone should watch.
Everyone should watch it once. Once is enough.
“12 Angry Men” (1957) is a personal favorite that I recommend to pretty much everyone. Great messages about questioning assumptions, challenging biases, understanding the limitations of evidence, acknowledging imperfections in the justice system, and the consequences thereof.
The movie is also cinematically interesting to me because it feels “small”. The entire movie just about takes place in one room, and the events of the film transpire over the course of one afternoon.
In the beginning of 12 Angry Men everything is shot from above eye-level with wide-angle lenses, giving everything the feel of more space, but as the film progresses it transitions to tighter shots with telephoto lenses from lower angles. The film gives the viewer more and more of a subconscious sense of tension and claustrophobia as the story progresses.
At least one stage adaptation of the story gave a similar effect over the course of the show by slowly tightening the lighting and having the walls of the set physically move inward, too slow for the audience to take notice but enough to subtly affect the entire atmosphere and really drive that feeling home.
That’s so neat; I’d never noticed that before. And the walls closing in on the stage adaptation is really clever
I’ve seen this movie 3 times, each viewing several years apart. Each viewing solidified this movie as my personal favorite, I would go in thinking I’ve already seen this, it can’t have the same wow factor. Nope, I would end up loving it even more. Can’t recommend this enough!
Top Secret, by the same guys who did Naked Gun. I think it’s somehow actually funnier on average than Naked Gun, even though that one’s great, too.
Basically, I don’t know if a human could watch it and not find it fucking amazingly funny. So dense with jokes, so creative with the execution, so many funny practical effects, you’re constantly astounded that they created props and sets for such absurd humor, and it really works.
The joke with the boots is magnificent. Need to watch that again, been a while.
That one is pretty good! The entire scene with the shootout where everyone keeps breaking windows is my favorite. There are so many good gags in that scene, it’s ridiculous.
Blazing saddles is up there with those movies too with just a bit more colourful language
If you like all of those, check out “The Wrong Guy”. Also if you like the amazing wonderful pure Dave Foley.
“I know a little German… He’s sitting over there.”
waves enthusiastically
The Pinto
The Blues Brothers (1980).
I’m not the type that can watch the same movie or show over and over. This movie is one of the rare exceptions. I watch it at least 2-3 times a year.
It masterfully blends music, jokes, and action without a dull moment. It’s amazing how they can make you laugh your ass off with dry humor while Aretha Franklin is belting out a Respect. Not to mention having Ray Charles, John Lee Hooker, James Brown, and Cab Callaway all perform. And of course the car chases. Oh man, nothing can top those car chases.
The way they casually throw in a bazooka wielding character with zero introduction is just hilarious.
This one right here.
It’s our future if we don’t fix shit.
Bold of you to assume we’ll be able to cooperate long enough to transport all of humanity off planet
They probably didn’t. It’s a single ship, not that big, and they only used one language on it.
Weren’t there supposed to be multiple ships?
In an early draft where there were blob alien things instead of humans. By the time they replaced them with humans they had reduced the fleet to a single ship.
Brazil. Should be mandatory after 9/11.
I came to say Brazil but what does it have to do with 9/11?
Brazil predicted the post 9/11 environment 16 years before 9/11.
5th Element.
The super weapon that sleeps half the movie.
…didnt realise this till I head it on The Film ReRoll podcast.
The main characters are never aware of each other.
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. Not really the most profound or insightful, but it’s just a good fun film.
I freaking love that movie but actually think it has a lot of depth. It shows a cgi cartoon character dealing with inevitability of death, fragility of life and mortality and value of what’s truly important. Side storylines about families, adoption, forgiveness etc but man does that wolf kill it.
That movie had no business being as good as it was.
Did you see Paddington 1+2? I had the same feeling about those two. Absolutely fantastic movies with a lot of soul.
I’ll have to check out Puss in Boots if it’s similar.
Spaceballs, so you will know what the future holds.
(for now you can watch it for free on YouTube)
You gotta watch Spaceballs or there isn’t any context for the greatest movie of all time, Spaceballs II: The Search For More Money!
“There’s no shortage of air!”
Since my movie taste is a bit of everything here is my colourful list:
- Pans Labyrinth
- Princess Mononoke
- 12 Monkeys
- Her
- Parasite
- Persepolis
- The man from earth
12 Monkeys was unexpectedly good! Not many films can tell a story in that manner and pull it off.
+1 for the man from Earth! Best long winded movie ever!
The concept of Her is feeling more and more possible.
That’s why I rewatched it. This movie has a really good sense for the future. Actually AppStores are flooted with “your AI girlfriend” bs.