Hi all,
I posted a similar thread around the Oct 7 events, but it’s come up again. My partner and I were just watching youtube late at night, and we saw a PBS video about “parts of america being most affected by climate change” or what not, and we assumed it would be more of a ranking of best cities in terms of climate change (we enjoy daydreaming about moving to certain cities etc), but this video was a tad more doomer than expected, where they showed how in like 30 years half the country would basically be uninhabitable with a half the year with 100+ degree days, and a lot with 125+ degree days etc.
Now seeing these quite grim projections didn’t really phase me, I mean I’m a member here so I’m well aware how in general the world has been about climate change. But they had a bit of a mild panic/shock because they are still liberal enough where they just assume ‘the good guys will win’/‘we just need the democrats in office/kamala to win and we’re fine’…they then had a moment of worrying about personal responsibility like we should all be really careful with recycling, not buy from Amazon etc…which is good to do but I also explained how us as individuals have pretty much no power to do anything as long as companies and governments don’t care.
I guess my main issue/anxiety about this kinda stuff is that with them, we’ve been together 5 years and planning on getting engaged before the end of 2024. But I just get this nagging feeling of ‘is it going to be a shock to them if we can’t ever buy a house (that’s one of their biggest dreams) or similar stuff based on how the world works, since they basically block out all bad/sad news’ …I do have avoidant tendencies in terms of attachment styles so I do kinda look/second guess on big decisions involving relationships, but it still feels a bit like I should almost sit them down and run them through the true possibilities of how shitty things can get in terms of never retiring/owning a house/climate change etc, but then I feel guilty for almost searching for a reason to find something bad about our relationship.
Sorry if it’s quasi-venting, just a bit of late night ramblings.
Eating your landlord is vegan!