In 3028, a groundbreaking scientific project known as “The Titan Project” incurs the wrath of the Drej, a hostile race of aliens made of pure energy, who fear that it will allow humans to challenge them
In 2024, this fucking cringe provoked them about a thousand years early because what the fuck
I was thinking a couple of weeks ago about those ‘‘Golden Records’’ Americans put on both Voyagers and wondering if all the lib cringe on them was keeping aliens away.
The aliens tried that too but then they developed faster than slingshot speed and contol in space. They caught up to it, recaptured it, and then placed theirs in a museum.
in the end only achievement was inducing multiplanetary cringe
I was thinking a couple of weeks ago about those ‘‘Golden Records’’ Americans put on both Voyagers and wondering if all the lib cringe on them was keeping aliens away.
The aliens tried that too but then they developed faster than slingshot speed and contol in space. They caught up to it, recaptured it, and then placed theirs in a museum.