• Tachanka [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    2 years ago

    “LGBT is a western psy op because I saw a NATO official holding a rainbow flag once” is a brain-poisoned take I see increasingly coming out of hegemonic officials in the imperial periphery because it erases the possibility that there was ever a domestic LGBT movement demanding fair treatment. Also how the fuck is Chen Weihua gonna say this shit? By his same logic Marxism in China is a German psy-op because Marx was German. It’s stupid.

    It’s also incredibly frustrating because LGBT are still treated like shit in the West. It is far from some hegemonic Western principle. Turn the clock back 50 years and you have nearly LGBT movement in the imperial core getting dismissed as some kind of commie plot imported to drain America of its masculinity and so on. It’s an excuse that can always be used. I was arguing with some Russians (who I ironically agreed with on their Ukraine takes) who were insisting that all LGBT movements in their domestic sphere are Western NGOs and what have you. I said “Why ban LGBT demonstrations and not just blanket ban Western NGOs if that’s what you’re worried about?” And then they used this tortured logic where “actually we’re super nice to gays over here as long as they keep it in the bedroom it’s just that LGBT is a western acronym and that’s how you know it’s a Western imported movement meant to destabilize us.”

    if :inshallah-script: USA/NATO/EU collapsed and was scattered to the four winds these motherfuckers would still blame LGBT as being a western psy op the same way American officials pretend every communist is some kind of fly that burst forth from the corpse of the USSR.