I have only used mint,pop,and nobara on my pc,I tried vanilla but didnt like it, Is there any good ubuntu based distro thats easy to use? I can use the terminal fine,I also want gnome 44

  • expand@partizle.com
    1 year ago

    what’s your reasoning behind ubuntu? Ease of use and maintenance? I’d argue rolling release distros that don’t require ppa’s or snaps are easier to maintain. Arch has been amazing in my experience. If the DIY aspect of it is too much for you to handle (which really is only user required at install and the install guide is actually great and only required you to read carefully to succeed) you can use something like endeavourOS that removes the arch install process and is still pretty close to arch. I’ve personally found arch significantly easier and less annoying to maintain than ubuntu and even debian that I run on my servers.