Avoid having more than one large loan at at time ($10000 or more). Pay off your loans early by paying to principal. Pay off your credit card(s) every month. Drive slowly to spend less on gas. Buy goods in solid form, no liquids, to save money. Ditch fast foods, do meal prep instead. Eat less meat, like maybe once or twice a week.
Avoid having more than one large loan at at time ($10000 or more). Pay off your loans early by paying to principal. Pay off your credit card(s) every month. Drive slowly to spend less on gas. Buy goods in solid form, no liquids, to save money. Ditch fast foods, do meal prep instead. Eat less meat, like maybe once or twice a week.
Also instead of savings, put the money into a no fee index fund. Something that tracks the market like vtsax or similar.
Instructions unclear: Dying of dehydration.