• Sylvartas@lemmy.world
    1 年前

    As a professional generalist/gameplay programmer, imo sound isn’t far off from 3D graphics in terms of complexity, perfs issues and hardware fuckery. That is, if you want to do anything “fancy” with it, of course. As you said, the “play sound.wav” approach is way overused…

    I do care about shipping the best SFX I can, and obviously so does our sound guy (who also deeply cares about mixing btw) but unfortunately, as opposed to graphics it doesn’t translate into better reviews/more sales in the execs’ mind so any substantial programming work in that area usually goes on the backlogged pile.

    Ironically, I think that situation used to be better because there was a time where you basically had to have a dedicated sound programmer on the team since the software side was also a giant mess.