Had a family member stationed on a shared base with americans. He could not say one good thing about them. Their base itself was shit, everything was just destroyed. The americans would comer over to his side of base all the time, because it was “cozy” (they had chairs that weren’t destroyed by some roided up grunt). The americans would pull out a big projector screen every friday, pull out barbeques and then watch live drone footage as they hooted and hollered. The meat was shit too. Not that the shitty base and the shitty meat matters at all, it’s just to illustrate that all the horrors inflicted upon the locals was so some grillman could eat terrible food in a broken chair in an ugly home.

He had to participate in an operation once. Some local who was working as a chef on base was suspected of being an Al Qaeda member (he wasn’t). The briefing was 10 minutes, the captain had named the operation “Operation Fuck Shit Up”. The briefing was mainly just to get these overly aggressive dudes to be hyped about doing their “job”.
They went to were the afghani lived (a tent), which was a small settlement full of very chill people that all had jobs depending on the base. Instead of knocking or checking with family or anything, or just driving in a normal car like normal people to have a chat, they rolled out in a fucking tank. Then they cut his tent open (one cut for each individual) and destroyed the insides - The dude wasn’t home.
They then found him “hiding” (working at his second job) somewhere else, where they did indeed Fuck Shit Up. They beat up the guy, they beat up others at the place, they destroyed the interior.

The US had the highest rate of blue-on-blue violence, and it was very obvious why. He said they would pray that americans didn’t answer calls for help, because it would just make things worse.

  • Lol its actually the opposite too, american soldiers wear too much gear, carry too much and have too much funds, meanwhile french soldiers are all true athletes. You get dropped hundreds of kms away from your target and you better walk fast to get there. Last year i was drinking with a dude who used to be in the army and who got the boot for punching an officer in the face (lmao) and he told me that marines came to his base to train. The US marines got up at 6 for some routine country marching with all their gear on (which is something like 40kg+). An older dude grabs him by the shirt and tells him to roll a truck out which confuses the fuck out of the guy. Eventually he realises they’re following the marines on their walk, and on the side of the road, hundreds of discarded items. Basically the US marines were just throwing their gear away, one item at a time. So the two guys get off the truck and slowly start chucking random shit in for hours and then haul the literal tons of gear back to base.

    The old guy then tells him that this happens every time US soldiers come here and that theyre the laziest forces he’s ever seen, that theyre used to getting to places in jeeps, trucks, hummers etc and forgot how to walk, that theyre all addicted to steroids and have too many muscles, useless to have when in a real war you often trekk 30+ km a day. In the french army you get deployed 100+ kms away from your objective and you haul all your shit over the terrain, and youre expected to do this in a day.

    i wont go over the rest, the fact that france basically made a better F35 and abrams for like 10% of the cost, and that the supposedly best the US army has to offer refuses to even try the training courses elite french forces routinely go through in Guyane (horrible fucked up jungle trail thing).

    But both armies fucking suck and serve shitty goals so who fucking cares tbh

    TLDR: US soldiers are lazy roided out meatheads who cant jog 10 miles, and id love to have whatever the dude OP posted was smoking when he typed this shit

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      1 year ago

      is it too cliche to see this as a microcosm of France and the United States overall?

      France expects to hold on to their colonial projects, so their institutions reflect that and produce soldiers actually capable of carrying out the orders of empire.

      The United States is only in a region either until local resistance pushes them out or capital has finished hollowing out any remaining infrastructure, so their soldiers really only have to terrorize the locals until the Chinooks arrive to airlift them out at the last possible moment.

    • GaveUp [love/loves]
      1 year ago

      I was gonna say that the only believable part of the Quota story is being stronger since Americans definitely have a stronger culture of steroids/other gear, strength training, and stimulants

    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      1 year ago

      All I’ve personally seen of the US military is sometimes you get some of them training with the SAS in Bannau Brycheiniog.

      Every so often you’d hear of one dying out in yr Bannau because they didn’t pack enough water or some shit, although it’s hard to take the piss out of them for that cos it happens just as often to the SAS lot.