This Incredible Tool (preventing insolation) That Our Ancestors Used To Keep Cool In The Summer.

Yeah, they cost money. So does installing air-conditioning. But they use no energy ( that’d would be bad for fossil energy-producers).

    3 months ago

    Horses for courses. Every area is different. Some places have geothermal but also need constant heating, so a geothermal town heating system with high density makes sense. Other places are near the equator, and actually need to sink as much heat as possible year round, so separate housing with a lot of greenery to keep everything cool works better. In other places heat and cold is mild so good passive thermal design works well.

    Where I live for example, it’s good to prioritise air flow and thermal management, something which is significantly harder in an apartment. Having said that, during particularly cold nights, an apartment actually works better (but this is for a month in the year).