One of the fun parts about being trans is now there’s this name that the government and most strangers recognize me as that I and my close friends don’t, but every time I think about the fact that I have a deadname now, I keep getting struck by this strange feeling that my deadname never felt like mine, even through years of me actively using it as my name. I remember trying to change it was I was about 17 but I never did because I only tried to think of masc names. For as long as I can remember, I could never look at my deadname and feel like it was mine. I didn’t like it and it felt strange to even associate that name with me; I only ever did because the only alternative I could think of was just not having a name, which would have been a massive inconvenience. I never even really thought it was a bad name, I just hated it for me

Did anyone else ever feel like this or am I just crazy?

  • rayne [she/her]
    8 months ago

    I also relate to mine using IFS. The protector is still around, but it never really was a ‘he’. Just a protective part wearing that ‘he armor’ to avoid experiencing more trauma.

    But I generally relate to my parts as different animal or elemental spirits (did a lot of psychedelics before getting into IFS, still do a lot of psychedelics, but I did a lot before too).

    This particular protector is chameleon.

      • rayne [she/her]
        8 months ago

        Yeah it’s a really effective tool for understanding different parts of ourselves and learning to hold space for all of those parts.

        I see my therapist this morning and really need to, I’ve been disassociating the last 3 days and stuck in boy mode, mostly due to family shame and a stupid aunt running her transphobic mouth.