Note: It seems this repo might be a bit out of date. Thanks to, some alternatives to consider:
- list of forks for leereilly/games
- libregames
Note: It seems this repo might be a bit out of date. Thanks to, some alternatives to consider:
people already did, many times
and then the original repo’s issue tracker is full of issue where people say that they have made a fork
and no consesus on which of these forks is to be blessed a go-to successor
so currently we have an outdated repo and a lot of fragmentation among successors.
Story of open source. Everyone needs to create their own version if even one thing is not to their liking. 🤣
This is then probably better as a wiki, but I do understand why people choose github repositories for the curated nature of them.
Thanks for pointing this out, I had no idea. If someone wants to point me towards an active/popular fork of this repo, I’m happy to add that to this post.