Just curious

  • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
    1 年前

    Reminds me of that sketch The Expert. Seems like the gist of it is analogous to he wanted to draw seven red lines, strictly perpendicular, some with green ink and some with transparent ink, and when the expert told him that’s impossible, he said, “I am richguyinnovator, hear me roar!” And reality did what reality tends to do.

    Also seemed like the media was trying really hard to turn it into some kind of real life version of The Martian, when it was pretty clear from the start it was over for those people and there was nothing heroic or brave about what the guy running it was doing; just needlessly playing on the razor’s edge of existence, living out a delusion of human supremacy over nature. I almost want to say it’s like a microcosm of capitalism as a whole in that way. The way it acts like it can dominate nature somehow, while ecosystems we depend on face collapse as a result of the unsustainable systemic practices.