i live in a predominantly white area so i get some racially-motivated and provocative comments from time to time

i just ignore them with a clear look of disapproval (+ sometimes a side-eye) because i don’t have the time to educate every single random stranger and it’s just not something i want to bother myself with (though i know i should to an extent).

i feel like replying with an insult that they won’t understand would make it very clear that i take offence with that they said/did without them reacting to what i actually said and would make me feel better that i retaliated rather than keeping quiet.

(plus responding to an ignorant comment with something they’ll be ignorant of feels pretty retaliatory to me)

so what are some non-English (or obscure English) retaliatory insults? ideally they should be a common insult (though it’s optional ig), short and should sound like an insult to an English speaker