I have a monitor with multiple modes which include “standard” (good for most things) and “movie”. I want to conveniently switch modes when I change programs. Ideally giving keyboard focus to mpv or similar programs would switch the video mode to movie and taking keyboard focus away would switch it to standard.

Is there a way to do this in KDE Wayland? I looked at the “Window Rules” section in the settings but that doesn’t seem to support such things. I googled it and there are some viable answers for X11 (like have a script that detects window focus and does what I want) but xdotool etc don’t run on Wayland.

  • nexv@programming.dev
    5 months ago

    You can write a Kwin script and connect to the windowActivated function. Unfortunately you can’t run arbitrary command from Kwin script, but as suggested in the comment you can use DBus to workaround that.

    workspace.windowActivated.connect(function(client) {
        if (client != null && client.caption == "name") {
            callDBus(...); // call your DBus function which call ddcutil

    Just an example, you will have to do some trial and error yourself!