Been awhile since we’ve done this thread, and it’s always fun. Here are some of my picks:

  • The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) is really bad. Will Smith’s inspirational moment is going to the New York Stock Exchange and seeing all the happy rich guys in suits walking around, and wanting to be like them. Having to do stuff like brown-nose executives, sleep in train station bathrooms and pull his son out of daycare due to lack of money are presented not as flaws of the system but evidence of Smith’s smart bootstraps-oriented thinking. This movie is the Mein Kampf of liberalism.

  • Air (2023) is really bad too. Literally a feature-length Nike commercial coupled with a fuckton of Michael Jordan worship, the message being that a bunch of rich guys deserved to get even richer because they signed a sneaker deal. The closing 5 minutes of the movie are a “where are they now” montage showing how much money all the Nike executives made, yay!

  • Anastasia (1997), which portrays the Russian Revolution as the result of a wizard’s curse and communism as bad because it got in the way of the Romanovs living in big palaces and wearing fancy dresses.

  • The Post (2017), about a wealthy, heroic girlboss newspaper executive who makes the heroic decision to…uhh…not block the publication of a story that would expose the lies of a corrupt president threatening our democracy (take THAT drumpf)

post more.

  • Dessa [she/her]
    8 months ago


    Fantastic movie, and I love it, but it’s a feel good patriotic movie about a white savior general who marches his black soldiers into certain death. Denzel Washington was made out to be a huge dick because he was the only guy to be mad about slavery and resent white people for it.

    Similarly, Driving Miss Daisy. Hoke learns the value of being patient with a bitch-ass chud who eventually comes around because he’s so damn nice. Magical Negro movies are inherently lib.

    The Help is like this too, except the white woman is also kinda magical because she inspires the help to sneak human shit into a pie and brag about it to a KKK member. They play it off like thr help would get away with it because the KKK lady couldn’t suffer the emvarasament, but IRL any black woman in Jim Crow south who did this would be towed behind a car and her entire village burned to the ground.

  • homhom9000 [she/her]
    8 months ago

    The hate you give(2018). The book wasn’t radical or anything but the movie pretended everyone’s protest against police violence is the same as protest against gangs, therefore getring rid of the one big bad guy gang leader is the same as justice.

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Les Miserables (2012) was pretty damn bad and pissed me off for being lib before I even knew why, but upon reflection its because it fetishizes defeat and idealism and made the revolutionaries really unsympathetic and naive. It’s actually a really good encapsulation of Western Radlib ideology and underdog fetishization

    8 months ago

    The National Treasure movies spend all their runtime mythologizing slave-owning libertarians who stole treasure from various groups of non-white people.

    Take me to the gulag for loving those stupid movies. I accept my fate.

  • JohnBrownsBussy2 [she/her, they/them]
    8 months ago

    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) as an example of ur-liberalism. A literal boy scout troop leader becomes a Senator basically through random chance and then overcomes corruption in Washington by sheer individual grit and goodness.

    The Iron Man movies, especially Iron Man 2.

    The new Obama-produced movie (Leave the World Behind).

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    8 months ago

    Man of the Year

    Basically, Robin Williams plays charismatic host of the unDaily Shown’t – a presidential candidate agrees to go on his show and he wipes the floor with them. After that, people start pressuring him to run. He’s a late entry candidate and is only on the ballot in like 15 states - just enough to get enough points for the Electoral Collage – everyone expects him to be a spoiler candidate. An expression of disappointment with the establishment. But! On that second Wednesday in November, turns out he won enough states and took the EC victory. The movie looks like it’s going to be President Robin Williams antics as he thumbs his nose at congress, business, and the power players of american empire…

    …but it turns out he only won because the new computerized polling booths did a computer oopsy and awarded victory to candidates by the alphabetical order of their names rather than by vote totals. The rest of the film is now a shadowy business thriller following the intrepid investigator trying to figure out what happened, dodging attempts on their life from the company that made the booths. It ends with Robin Williams resigning after he learns of the error, with Time magazine giving him the titular title Man of the Year

    Apparently it’s written by the same guy who wrote Wag the Dog which was a good movie I actually liked.

    8 months ago

    Anything Snyder (low-hanging fruit)

    Yeah yeah, you think a literal messias character doesn’t have any obligations to save people, how impressive!

  • QueerCommie [comrade/them, she/her]
    8 months ago

    Lol, my first thought was Pursuit Happyness too. I was subjected to it in school. This dude who is fulfilling the “American Dream” just got incredibly lucky despite stupid decisions. “Meritocracy” amiright? He was the top in all his classes and invested a huge amount in stupid machines. He ends up homeless because a bunch of terrible stuff happens but he’s able to pretend to be rich and try hard and solve a Rubik’s cube. Yay this one dude gets to be rich while the masses of poors he was briefly amongst continue to suffer. When I saw them in the streets my first thought was how they should be organizing, not begging for a bed. What an inspirational movie.

    • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
      8 months ago

      I watched the first series of that, eventually noped out because it got weirdly torture pornish, then caught a more recent episode a year or two ago and the protagonist is working alongside the US Military (that have materialised completely out of nowhere I guess) as they fight the theocratic regime, one of the most lib things I’ve seen on TV.

          • motherofmonsters [she/her]
            8 months ago

            Season 1 is pretty much the book. But the book is more a warning of what could be and a character piece about a woman surviving those horrors

            The show unfortunately became the rallying cry for the pussyhats. Atwood was involved in the writing, so just because she’s an accurate prognosticator of human culture, without a material understanding of the world, she has no satisfactory answers

  • SootySootySoot [any]
    8 months ago

    I’ll take this moment to complain about how Tangled (a Disney Rapunzel film, basically) just assumes that pillaging native lands is the moral thing to do.

    An old woman is using a magical flower out in the wilderness to retain her youth and health. It’s quite literally the only thing keeping her alive. When the Queen of the kingdom falls ill, soldiers of the kingdom go out and just rip up the flower. The old woman, deprived of her only means to stay alive, rushes to the castle, only to find that the flower’s properties are now stuck inside the Queen’s baby. Reasonably assuming that the selfish-ass King and Queen who just gave her a death sentence were obviously never going to let her use those powers, she takes the baby and raises it in a loving (if very sheltered) environment, using her hair to live instead, again, this is the only way the woman can stay alive.

    Somehow, the woman is the bad guy, and the King and Queen who raided the native lands for their own selfish-ass purposes are the good guys. It was perfectly moral to take the flower because old woman didn’t enclose her land or have a fucking deed to say “THIS FLOWER BELONGS TO ME”. The old woman’s native knowledge of the land meant it could keep her (and who knows how many others) alive and healthy on an indefinite basis, while the monarchy just grab it, destroy it, and get a one-time use out of it because the lives of the royal family are more important than everyone else’s!!! Babysnatching isn’t moral, but what choice did the woman have?

    Yeah I may be overthinking a kid’s fairy tale in movie form. But FUCK EM. I genuinely think it teaches children that there’s no need to respect the environment or other cultures’ understanding of ownership, nor the concept of public sharing.

  • Zodiark [he/him]
    8 months ago

    In the non pejorative descriptor and variation of liberalism, I’d say Juarez, 1939 was a good movie depicting liberalism and its justified resistance against Habsburg rule of Mexico by Louis Napoleon III and resistance against the French.