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    1 year ago

    You know… I don’t know if it was the tipping point. That’s hard to say. But this was a major tipping point for me: knowing that all those great welfare programs in any liberal democracy would have to be funded by hyper-exploiting the global south… that shook some of the last remnants of liberalism out of me.

    It’s unacceptable. That conclusion only leaves revolution and the need for a coherent theory that has been shown to work. Marxism is the theory and, to put it simply, either we all get free or none of us do. Makes it a lot easier to empathise not only with other people but also with the socialist struggle in other places. It’s more of a bridge than a stepping stone to class consciousness.

    There are likely a lot of people susceptible to this view as it’s common in the west to e.g. tell kids not to waste food because there are starving people in poorer countries. It doesn’t fully make sense even as a kid. It’s well-meaning but ultimately it’s a liberal performance. It means that many, many people are hardwired to think about the damage caused by their consumption (or lack of it, here). All they need is a radical analysis to see why liberalism can’t solve the problem that they already accept and want to fix.

    Not an easy task, still. In pedagogical terms, revolutionaries need to identify this and other ‘threshold concepts’. Then make them visible and comprehensible for potential comrades.