• Hey. I am a regular person who also frequents hexbear.net. I’m not sure if you’re a “bit” account - that is, I don’t know if you’re actually also a hexbear.net person who is saying this stuff as a bit/joke, maybe even as a way of giving us notoriety or something.

    If so, awesome! But if not… if you’re actually concerned that me and the other hexbear.net people have some dark agenda… please come talk to us. I mean, yeah, we have the pie in the sky hopes that capitalism will finally succumb to it’s inherent contradictions and socialism->communism can be built in its stead, but “that’s just like our political view man.” I mean, capitalism is killing the planet and needs to go, yes?

    But seriously, come on the site and have a discussion with us. Air your grievances with us and what you think we’re wrong about, or what we’re doing wrong. I dunno, I’m just some drunk leftist guy who wants left unity, and has seen your posts and laughed (not in a mean way, but in like… that’s hilarious someone thinks that of the site I post on kind of way).

    I don’t know. Obviously, it’s up to you. But I for one promise not to be an asshole to you, assuming the sentiment works both ways.

    There is also the very unlikely and amusing 1 in a million chance you’re a fed. And if that’s the case… keep doing what you’re doing. You’re making hexbear look cooler than it is. But if that is indeed the case that you’re an op, my invitation to come talk with us is rescinded. heh