• LucidNightmare@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’ve seen so many wrecks because of assholes trying to go 85-150 MPH on a god damn road. The comments here enforce the idea that people are just selfish, self centered motherfuckers when it comes to driving on the highway. There is a posted fucking speed LIMIT for a god damn reason. Leave earlier if you want to get to your fucking destination on time.

      • LucidNightmare@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I’ve never seen one of those in my state. I DO see plenty of SPEED LIMIT 70 MPH signs though. I think the keep right is fucking stupid, because it just causes drivers to swerve in and out of traffic, which is dangerous for multiple reasons, but will also cause congestion on the on ramps on to the interstate itself. It just goes to show you how each state having it’s own laws for driving is fucking stupid also.

        • Encrypt-Keeper@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          It is the law in all 50 states for slower traffic to keep to the right when driving on the highway, regardless of the speed limit. So you just clearly don’t know how to drive, and have never bothered to learn, or even educate yourself in your own states driving laws. Keeping right also isn’t stupid at all. A lot of people, much smarter and experienced than yourself, armed with decades of data have decided that keeping right is the safest course of action. Obstructing the flow of traffic by driving slowly in the left lane continues to be far more dangerous than speeding ever could be.

          After many years in EMS I’ve seen the disastrous results of self righteous speed keepers and unpredictable drivers like yourself first hand and I really have less than zero sympathy. Stop worrying about the speed of other vehicles on the road and start worrying about your ability to drive predictably, in a way that keeps you inside the flow of traffic, in the spot you’re supposed to be.


          • LucidNightmare@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            EDIT: And for someone who was supposedly in EMS, that means you would have seen the direct consequences of what going TOO fast can do to the human bodies, and their vehicles involved. So, therefore if you were a sane individual, you would encourage people to follow the posted SPEED LIMIT. Also, I’m worried about what other drivers are fucking doing dangerously, BECAUSE I HAVE TO SHARE THE SAME FUCKING ROAD WITH THEM, YOU IDIOT.

            Oh, no. you hurt my feelings by saying shit you know nothing about! I might just cry. :(

            No, I learned what NOT to do from idiots who think they can safely drive over 90-100 MPH. Get the fuck over yourself, and just realize that going faster than 90 MPH DRASTICALLY increases your chances of colliding with something, someone, or LOSING CONTROL OF YOUR FUCKING VEHICLE.

            • Encrypt-Keeper@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              seen the direct consequences of what going TOO fast can do to the human bodies, and their vehicles involved.

              At highway speeds, whether you’re going 55 mph or 75 mph makes little difference to your survivability. Crashing your car at highway speeds is going to hurt. The difference is somebody who’s speeding in the left lane is a lot less likely to cause an accident than somebody going too slowly in the left lane. People like you are a much larger danger to yourself and others than somebody going over the speed limit by a marginal amount, in an appropriate lane. And the fact that we have to share a road with people like you is infuriating. In my eyes you’re no better than drunk drivers. At least they were impaired when they made the poor decision to drive drunk. You make the choice to put everyone on the road at risk fully sober, because you just don’t care.

              Oh, no. you hurt my feelings by saying shit you know nothing about!

              Evidently I do, since I had to send you proof of your own state’s driving laws that by your own admission you were completely unaware of and also apparently don’t mind breaking. I guess it’s not about the law for you, just control over other people.

              The worst thing about scumbags like you is it’s not just simple ignorance that drives your self-centered, life threatening behavior on the road. You also just refuse to learn.

              • nublug@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                6 months ago

                55 vs 75 no difference?

                speeding cause less wrecks than driving ‘slowly’ in the left lane?

                yeah, you’re the scumbag speeder who refuses to learn. not someone who passes left but isn’t going fast enough for you. you’re gonna kill someone some day. psycho.

                • Encrypt-Keeper@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  55 vs 75 no difference?

                  Yeah if you think a 75mph crash will kill you but you get to walk away unharmed from a 55MPH crash, I have really bad news for you.

                  speeding cause less wrecks than driving ‘slowly’ in the left lane?

                  That is correct. Speeding is involved in a minority of accidents, and is the cause of even less. Over the course of a decade, I’ve seen two fatalities due to speeding, they didn’t harm anyone but themselves in the process, and both were on residential boulevards, not the freeway. I’ve seen far more caused by erratic unpredictable driving, driving too slow for traffic, and turning into traffic.

                  I’m a man who’s been fortunate enough to have saved dozens of lives that were almost ended by people like you that become road hazards on purpose, and less fortunately the witness of far more innocent people losing their lives because of drivers like yourself. People like you have caused far more injury and death than any speeders could hope to. Speeders are nothing more than a convenient scapegoat. As long as they themselves are not driving erratically or switching lanes unpredictably, they’re of minuscule concern. There are countries with freeways that have speed limits more than twice the U.S. and they do just fine.

                  • nublug@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                    6 months ago

                    good thing nobody said you’d walk away from a 55 mph crash you insane troll. not even bothering with the rest. eat shit.