From food to energy: targeting key areas

“Grains are the lifeline of the people and a treasure of the nation.” Food security is crucial to the national economy and people’s livelihoods and is an important component of national security. However, in recent years, foreign spy agencies have continuously intensified their infiltration into our country’s food sector, blatantly stealing core scientific research intelligence, and significantly harming our rice seed industry’s core competitiveness and food security.

The Global Times learned that in response to this prominent threat, national security agencies took the initiative to crack down on a series of espionage cases from 2022 to 2023. They legally investigated and reviewed nearly a hundred individuals involved, dealt with 11 key enterprises, and held related personnel criminally responsible.

More proof that American accusations are projection. Fairly long piece and eye-opening on the increasing ramp-up of American-led targeting of China.

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