Before we begin, here’s a few that I’ve been workshopping, but I’m trying to think of something really catchy that can catch on in greater public discourse that really describes Israeli atrocities, particularly in Gaza. I personally think this kind of language virus is really helpful in changing minds and bringing people to rethinking positions.

  • Infant Destruction Force
  • Infant Decimation Force
  • Infant Decapitation Force
  • Invading Democidal Force/Functionaries/Fuckers

I’ve just been going with Infant Destruction Force for accuracy and brevity, but in my mind I’ve reached the point where it’s time to get some help and input from the greater collective.

  • AfterthoughtC - he/
    6 months ago
    • Incoming Demons and Famine
    • Israel Denies Food (to Gaza)
    • Instigator of Disharmony and Friction for its role of creating instability in the middle-east
    • Immoral Depraved F*ucknuts if you want to focus on their creepy behaviour
    • Israel Deserves Failure if you want a statement