because it’s like SO much attention drawn to such a small increase in cost of living compared to what the average renter deals with. I think the article posted on here quoted something like an increase from $400ish PER YEAR to $2000ish for flood insurance? Which is like, a lot, but that’s a $50/month to $166/month increase, which is like, yeah, again, a lot, but that is still way less than the average rent increase due to landlords just being like “well the market rates!!” and charging you more every year. My rent has gone up way more than that. It’s been like $70 every fucking year. And I’m not dealing with some fucking coastal flood bullshit either.

idk what the point of this post is because I do still have sympathy for proletarian home owners who are being fucked by climate change. It’s just wack seeing the numbers, like, “This increase is SERIOUS” when it’s so much more than the increases I’ve seen EVERY FUCKING YEAR FOR NO FUCKING REASON OTHER THAN LANDLORD OWN PLACE

  • Vode
    6 months ago

    The leeches won’t be missing a chance to lass it on, that’s for sure.