True story.
My son had a physical therapy appointment and a tutoring appointment yesterday I was taking him to. In between appointments, he asked if we could go to the food court at the nearby mall for shawarma.
I said, “Sure, but we don’t want to eat there too often. We have to be careful of mall nutrition.”
Not understanding he said “Yeah, it’s probably not very good for you. But it does have lots of protein!”
I said “Yeah, but we don’t want to end up mall nourished.”
Then he got it.
You’re the gyro we need.
Ok wrap it up guys, puns over
These puns are falawful
Such a PITA
Yeah but I guess at the end of the day it’s nan of our business.
Gyro taco too much
That harissament was uncalled for.
I can’t tzatziki much more of this!
You really went out on a lamb with that pun.
I’m glad Lemmy doesn’t have gold, but I wish I had something more to give for this.
You could always hummos a tune!
That would be tabbouleh cool!
I can picture the shit-eating grin on your face when you delivered that line, and it’s glorious.
With all that food for thought, your son might be full before getting to the food court!
koobideh while you’re ahead.
I appoint you King of the Food Court
Great work, Dad!