We need a total and complete shutdown of all Ivy League anthropology departments until we can figure out what the hell is going on.
Interesting that Viking battle-axes used to rape and pillage defenceless seaside villages are fetishised by some Scandanavians/Europeans/Americans today as “rad” and “totally awesome as fuck” – that’s truly sick.
And, it is probably part of the broader psychological denial of the gruesome history of bloody violence, on which modern Western capitalist hegemony is founded.
lol fking asian studies professor too lol
This is the level that western academia is on lol
Of course this racist behold the masterrace look-alike mofo is an asian studies prof.
How do you hire a non-Asian Asian studies professor
My East Asian studies prof was the WASPiest mfer on the planet, but even though he was a lib he was very cool: fluent in Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean (like actually fluent, as in he published academic papers in all three languages), and really emphasized how China had strong laws to protect minority ethnic groups (e.g. exemptions from the one-child policy, explicit affirmative action, proportional representation, and language preservation efforts).
White Chinese studies mfers are either:
wierd sinophiles who are big fans of china and the CPC (oddly enough alot of these are libs that are inexplicably pro-china)
the most sinophobic and racist mfers to walk the earth
no middle ground
so, pretty much this website?
“When western academia sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing orientalism. They’re bringing imperialism. They’re colonisers. And some, I assume, are good people.”
I’m trying to imagine a professor who’s “approachable and easygoing” and yet frequently goes off on tangents about the devious chinese brainpan. How rabid of a racist do you need to be before Ivy League students start to dislike you on a personal level?
rabid racism is precisely what they look for to teach an asian studies course in an ivy
Radio free asia studies professor more like.
Surprised those are still up. I had a comment removed for the most bland statement saying a prof was racist. Was very funny that a year later his ass was kicked out (temporarily because fuck America) for making the dumbest comments possible during 2020.