It’s like illegal immigrants (Mexicans in my area) are the boogeyman that everybody around me agrees to hate. What, materially speaking, is causing this?

  • If you want to understand it more at an electoral level even though as Marxists we reject these terms, the 2016 election showed that Republicans are likely to lose presidential elections in perpetuity due to the dying white Boomer demographic. Young latinos (especially Mexicans and Puertoricans) have been shifting towards a progressive view. The fear existed that Republicans might have to become more moderate. Jeb Bush was that plan, but they had two alternatives Ted Cruz for attempting a right-ward shift and Trump for a hyper-right turn. I don’t think the GOP even expected the Trump style to catch on but it has. Now even most Democrats are to the right of Mitt Romney on immigration which is obvious (to us) but sad.

    The idea of a blanket amnesty is over, which Biden very much has the authority to grant but WON’T because his corporate interests far outweigh his electoral ambitions.