I hope every customer is looked into. All of his side projects smell like money laundering operations to me.
Like the $99 NFTs that you could only buy 100 of, conveniently falling just short of the IRS reporting threshold?
“Well, Judge, I purchased each pair at such a high price because my client, Mr. Ivan Oligarchsky, believed them to actually be solid gold and has no desire to return them.”
“What’s that? Oh, yes, the same is true of Sam Saudi, the other party I represented. He is also satisfied and would just like this whole thing to go away.”
“As to my own culpability in assisting this alleged, ALLEGED, skirting of political fundraising guidelines (we don’t like the term ‘laws’) I was acting as a broker for the rightful President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, so I declare immunity.”
“Yes, I have seen The Office, why do you ask?”
“Mostly livestock law, you know ‘was it coyotes or the damn Hendersons’, but I have done some real estate for family. It’s a small town. Very conservative. Not much call for lawyering.”
I’m kind of naive and gullible. I’m a little embarrassed I hadn’t considered this perspective. It seems so obvious now that you point it out for us.
The best use for them:
Bush sucked, but I’ve always respected his ability to dodge a shoe.
Fighter pilot reflexes
The dudes issue was that he wasnt prepared for that matrix-dodge. Bowing down for the other shoe telegraphed his next move so obviously
Finally, a good use for deep fakes. I need a gold Trump shoe being tossed at Jr, Stat.
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Christ alive, this grifter was the president of the united states
Christ alive, this grifter has a realistic chance of becoming President again.
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They should use this picture as his official presidential portrait.
Haven’t purchased a single Goya product since that shit. Fuck any brand that affiliates with that terrorist.
That’s one thing, another thing is that he did it as a president in the White House. Republicans talked about Obama wearing a tan suit or doing “late salute”, was disrespectful to the office of the president.
In this instance he was outright using the office of the president to advertise a commercial product.
I don’t think there is another US president that did something equally cheap.
In fact I don’t think there is any other president that was using their office to advertise a product like that.
Grifter in Chief
Except now he owes nearly half a billion in judgements against him. :-D
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I mean President Camacho was at least smart enough to appoint Not Sure to secretary of the interior. I don’t think Trump would have the foresight to do that.
May as well have a neon sign flashing “Im a mark!”
Are they meant to resemble his toilet?
He should complete the comparison and issue a Crocs edition.
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It’s real lol JFC and sold out
Christ on a bike. Every time I think he can’t get any more tacky he just doubles down. “Hold my hamberder”.
He should sell black velvet paintings of himself as Elvis next. He’d make a fucking MINT.
Already sold out? I think the comment about investigating every buyer is justified. It feels like indeed a money laundering scheme.
Heads of states will be wearing them to meetings with trump if he wins the presidency
I call bullshit. Sure they can say sold out. But this is the same crap as their gaming NYT best seller list with garbage books.
In both cases someone bought them. Real people didn’t of course but someone did in fact
launder him the moneybuy them.The limited edition gold ones are “sold out” supposedly. They only did 1,000 pairs. eBay already has them for a few thousand dollars now.
I’m betting none actually sold to anyone–Trump claimed they were all sold and proceeded to take all 1,000 pairs straight to eBay for that 6-8x profit per pair
This is what I hate. People just buy them to flip to the real suckers, while giving this fuck actual money.
Three thoughts.
First, there might only be one pair of the gold ones and he’s using them as a tool to get people to the website to buy the slightly more reasonable red or white ones and cologne/perfume. At the very least the red and white look like wearable shoes. It’s weird that the gold ones on the website are clearly numbered but there isn’t a reference to how many are being made.
Second, the white and red ones both say they are just samples meaning that the ones people get will most likely be worse in every way but because they don’t ship until August no one will be able report how shitty they are until its to late to cancel.
Third, the red ones say “T-REDWAVE” on the side. Is that when a trans man still has their period because we know it doesn’t refer to sweeping Republican election victories?
Every quote from Bob Dobbs seems to apply to the magats - “Act like a dumbshit and they’ll treat you like an equal” always pops to mind, but I’m not sure what tiny d is doing is an act.
Have those shoes been dipped in gold!?
You know, for a supposed billionaire, this guy sure does get into some weird grifting. You don’t see Bezos or Gates or Buffett or even Elmo doing this kind of thing…
Sneakers made by CIC Ventures and those NFTs were made by CIC Digital… He just can’t get over that he’s no longer Commander In Chief.
Clownshoes. Literally 🤡
Most powerful country in the world elects fraudulent shoe salesman.
To be fair he wasn’t a shoe salesman the first time we elected him.
I’m imagining a depressing future.
I can’t wait to wear mine to church with my 24K gold WWJD bracelet, diamond-studded rosary, and t-shirt with a camel waltzing through the eye of a needle on it. Gonna look so fresh.
Ok but now I want that shirt
This is going to make his campaign rallies fucking fabulous. Armies of chuds wearing red hats and shiny gold shoes descending on whatever hee-haw hellscape is hosting Chudcon that week.
The signs reading “SNEAKERHEADS LOVE TRUMP” really just comfirms my opinion of most sneakerheads.
The sole is way too thin and there’s virtually no padding on the upper ankle. Also, you’ll have to lace them up the whole way every time like blazers, I’d imagine – just judging by the profile.
I dont know what he’s going on about. Those shoes are about as thinly made and unsupportive as his source material.
I hear they give you bonespurs.
Oh, this is absolutely some shitty Chinese knock-off glued together with tears made for probably tree fiddy.
You know it’s bad when he didn’t even go to his BFF Kanye to make them. At least those would have sold for like a grand each. When you gotta laundry that money tho…
What sneaker isn’t made in China for about tree fiddy?
What makes me chuckle about sneakerheads is I bet many of them look down their noses at people that collect(ed) beanie babies. I’ve got some bad news for them…
Hopefully he soon launches a fashion brand I hear orange jumpsuits are in these days
Trump last year reported making between $100,000 and $1 million for a series of digital trading cards
yep. aka a plausible way to jam Russian money into his pockets in return for future favors without leaving an obvious trail