The “best” part about the “Hitler hypnotized us” narrative promoted by the krauts in their bloviating, soporific lectures is how it presents a completely counterfactual history devoid of the violent opposition to and clashes with fascists that characterized the Weimar Republic, all in order to pretend grandpappy didn’t deserve to be blown to a million pieces because everyone supported the Nazis and nobody knew right from wrong and morality wasn’t invented until 1945. Once upon a time I thought maybe there was some element of sincerity in German repentance culture, but no - it’s all self-serving, self-absorbed, self-flattering, self-interested, self- this and that; self-centered hagiographic self-praise that treats their unspeakable crimes as elite status cards to trot out.

These fucking krauts just can’t shut the fuck up about how they have some specialized knowledge of fascism because they’re krauts. Were you there? Were you around during the Nazi era? No? Then I fail to see how you know anything more or have any more expertise on the matter than Joe Pissmonger from Montana. Maybe if you picked up a fucking book sometime instead of insisting that being a kraut gives you special privilege to speak with no prior investigation.

But apparently Teutonic blood gives you divine insight into how fascism works. Looks like they haven’t moved past their Nazi genetic woo after all.

“I’m a German and I’m here to teach you how to avoid fascism by supporting the status quo” how about you deal with your own rapidly Nazifying shithole American province before lecturing others.

Be grateful the very idea of “Germany” wasn’t razed to the ground and scattered to the wind after your dear leader escorted himself off the premises.

  • 7bicycles [he/him]
    8 months ago

    These fucking krauts just can’t shut the fuck up about how they have some specialized knowledge of fascism because they’re krauts.

    You know, there’s the old joke that nobody in germany likes to talk about '39 - '45 in britain and the us, which is of course wrong, as everybody likes to talk about that time, constantly, except of course business histories.

    The maddening thing is that joke would be entirely correct on the money if it just picked like '45 to '90 or something. Everybody in germany is convinced because the education system places so much focus on the nazis (up until '45) that they’re experts on it but they’re all super surprised when they find out like nigh all of those nazis just basically kept trucking along in the institutions

    • Maulwurst [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Idk which Germans you’re talking to but honestly I don’t think many of them would be super surprised to find out, I think they already know. Or at least I did and I don’t come from a super progressive family or anything. Nazis were also part of running east germany

      • 7bicycles [he/him]
        8 months ago

        I think they already know.

        Not that it shouldn’t be news but I point you to the nationwide shock about Maaßen being considered a right wing extremist despite being head of the Verfassungsschutz for a good while, backed by the CDU, as if “right wing extremist being head of the Verfassungsschutz, backed by the CDU” hasn’t basically been the status quo since the thing was founded.