I had a similar experience but with a book about Dinosaurs that contained scientifically accurate eons, etc.
I started to piece together that while we might not be 100% correct all the time, YEC doesn’t even have an alternative. They just try and debunk evolution but have no scientific method/knowledge that proves they’re correct.
Where’s all the geological science that shows a 6000 year old earth? None. There should be competing theories, but instead it’s just “you’re wrong, trust me bro.”
The Hubble Deep Field image struck the first major blow against my childhood indoctrination in young earth creationism.
I had a similar experience but with a book about Dinosaurs that contained scientifically accurate eons, etc.
I started to piece together that while we might not be 100% correct all the time, YEC doesn’t even have an alternative. They just try and debunk evolution but have no scientific method/knowledge that proves they’re correct.
Where’s all the geological science that shows a 6000 year old earth? None. There should be competing theories, but instead it’s just “you’re wrong, trust me bro.”