• darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Yes. All bloodsuckers should be removed from this plane of existence. It is the luxury of the western academic to make noises and murmur in displeasure masturbatory philosophical thought experiments against it while it is the realm of the poor and animals with far more feeling and ability to experience pain and suffering to experience the actual reality. Fuck em. If they didn’t want to go extinct they should have adapted the evolutionary strategy of not being a mass-murdering parasite responsible for murdering hundreds of millions of the apex predator with big brains and just generally being annoying, unpleasant, and a continual disease vector threat.

    Not to say it will be easy. It’ll be one of the most challenging things humans ever do. It will likely require unified (or at least cooperative) communist party rule over at least 90% of the planet, large amounts of funding, and a complex plan.

    Though things like ChatGPT are largely a scam I believe we are just socialist leadership away from something incredible in terms of artificial intelligence (combined with quantum computing). A lot of problems can kind of just be brute forced by just doing a lot of math, simulations, etc. Once you truly understand biology at its most basic levels plus its interactions you can simulate and create molecules, compounds, etc that interact with that biology with a goal in mind. Humans could never do this in any reasonable time-frame, but a super-massive quantum computing complex could do many things from creating drugs to treat diseases and cancers to improving industrial processes, to yes, synthesizing things to effect the removal of certain organisms.

    Best of all this plan is far more plausible and feasible than nonsense like moving away from them or somehow geo-engineering earth completely out of climate change into a very cold climate that somehow still supports crops, animal and plant life, etc.

    Annoying people who I don’t care for say things like they fill certain niches outside of bloodsucking and to that I say, evolution will re-fill those niches once they are gone. Things go extinct from time to time, others prosper, if there are minor consequences then we shall take charge of and accept them. It is purely delusional thinking on the part of liberal minded types who believe in some butterfly effect destabilizing our entire biosphere as a result of a change like this. Fact is our planet and the biosphere we know including organisms we’re familiar with has undergone a lot of challenges and changes including extinctions caused by humans as well as population decreases, increases, climate shifts, displacement of habitats by human industry, civilization, habitats, and lots and lots of pollution. Not to mention natural things like droughts, diseases, minor climate shifts, introduction of species that out-compete others from other regions, etc. These people just hesitate to take the wheel. They seem to be very religious in thinking nature sacred and that man can only muck it up. They’re anti-humanists and should not be paid heed.

    Spoiler: Other species will fill the niches of mosquitoes with time. Evolution is quite good at that. People acting like it will lead to ecological collapse are losers who should be bullied.

    Mosquitos were devastated by DDT back in the day and on the back-foot with one foot in the grave. I’m unaware of any mass extinctions as a result.

    The biologists may study the world, Marxists seek to change it. Not to remove all species or anything of the sort but to tweak things. We’ve already made too many changes and more are required for human survival. So either be honest and advocate in a vicious nihilistic fashion for human self-extinction (to preserve the purity of nature as these types see it, with man seen as contaminated which is a very Abrahamic fall of man type nonsense thinking and/or mystical woo-woo, animism energy nonsense when you get right down to this thought process IMO) or sit down and accept that some things need to be done even if they make you feel a little sad.

    Smallpox was a virus. WAS. We did that. NOT sorry. It shouldn’t have fucked around. Someday it would be nice to see “Mosquitos were” “Ticks were”, “lice were”.

    People accuse this type of thinking I advocate for of having a god-complex but they betray their own primitive biases by invoking that. As if only gods may order or change things. As if what is must always be. As if what we found ourselves in is sacred and to change it is to blaspheme. As if humankind has no right to change the conditions it finds itself in. Go back in time and kidnap a human from 9000 years ago, bring them here then them about our orderly hectares of crops all neatly carved into the land stretching beyond sight, ask them about our towers of steel which defy the gods to soar into the heavens, ask them about our airplanes which likewise defy the gods, ask them about our treatments for lost limbs (prosthetics) which likewise defy the will of the gods, ask them about our defibrillators, about surgery, and now tell me these people who raise this point are not just a continuation of that same backwardness cloaking it in other more modern sounding excuses.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Maybe a tad forceful in the rhetoric but I agree with your assessment of the issue. I don’t think we should bully people but rather give them a clearer picture as to the reality of what most impoverished people have to live with on the day to day. Most users here for example are from the US or Europe, where mosquitos and the diseases they carry aren’t anywhere near as prevalent, and I get that impression from reading many of the comments here. Maybe they had bad experiences on occasion, an unpleasant vacation, or a particularly bad summer. But most of them will never see the reality of how in many African nations, Malaria is the leading cause of death. We shouldn’t blame them for their lack of understanding, but rather help educate them.

    • WithoutFurtherDelay@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      If we could use quantum computing to make a perfectly designed genetic method of mosquito elimination, couldn’t we just change their behavior to be less harmful instead? Why would we kill them when we have the ability to modify their molecular structure like putty? Why not just make them live out the rest of their days in peace after making them only capable of digesting nectar?

      Given that mosquitoes hurt a lot of people, I support the general idea, but once we have super advanced magic adjacent technology, we could bypass any moral concerns entirely