Hey all, this community has grown a lot lately, so moderating it has become quite time consuming. As I’m studying and also working a side job helping hands would be very welcome. I guess we should also have a discussion about Rules so that Mod Decisions aren’t looking arbitrary. So let’s have a discussion about the rules we want in this community, and if we are done with this, we will look for new Moderators. (Suggestions about a good process for this are also welcome)

With best regards


  • Riddick3001@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Those were pretty good. Though sometimes a bit too strict. What I missed were proper (documented) discussions or maybe ideas. Because all articles needed to be :new news" So maybe like a discussion tag?

    Don’t know whether ppl would like it though…? Not talking about the polls" spam though, those were too much. One every month is maybe ok.

    So far, the atmosphere has been pretty good here. Good job on that.