• candle_lighter@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Nothing like freedom like actively removing people from having multiple choices of transit by making illegal to build anything that isn’t dependent on cars.

    Nothing like freedom like being forced to spend thousands on a several ton machine to do any task outside your home.

    Nothing like freedon like being forced to pay predatory insurance to private corporations in order to be legally allowed to drive your vehicle.

    Nothing like freedom like being dependent on oil companies that actively lobby against you in order to drive the vehicle that you are forced to own.

    Nothing like freedom like having infustructure that denies poor people and disabled people from participating in society.

    Nothing like freedom like having no independence if you are too old, too young, too intoxicated, or too disabled to drive.

    Nothing like freedom like being forced to have a license issued by your government in order to be independent.

    Nothing like freedom like being forced to use a vehicle that spies on you and collects information such as your sexual activity, immigration status, ‘private’ conversations, location, and much more.