That’s a great non-popular opinion! Personally, I thought that episode was the only one worth watching, especially after playing the actual game. The other episodes had great acting and direction, but they were mostly just a rehash of what I’ve seen before and that’s boring.
That episode cut out an entire section of the game, including the first bloater.
And speaking of the acting, that one bitch in Kansas City (why change locations from Pittsburgh?) speaks like she’s reading all her lines for the first time. Everyone else did good but I couldn’t stand her
This is of course subjective, but I feel like introducing a new monster type is far less impressive or impactful for a series you passively watch compared to a game where you have to beat that monster.
The HBO adaptation of The Last of Us sucks ass
Finally, an unpopular opinion I can disagree with
I thought it was good except the Bill and Frank episode.
That’s a great non-popular opinion! Personally, I thought that episode was the only one worth watching, especially after playing the actual game. The other episodes had great acting and direction, but they were mostly just a rehash of what I’ve seen before and that’s boring.
That episode cut out an entire section of the game, including the first bloater.
And speaking of the acting, that one bitch in Kansas City (why change locations from Pittsburgh?) speaks like she’s reading all her lines for the first time. Everyone else did good but I couldn’t stand her
This is of course subjective, but I feel like introducing a new monster type is far less impressive or impactful for a series you passively watch compared to a game where you have to beat that monster.
I didn’t watch any except the Bill and Frank episode and i thought that was good.