Okay, finally I am confident that I got them all!

Here’s what I did

First, I got a torrent client set up, and went to


It turns out that you can just download individual subs from the torrent instead of the whole thing. I know exactly which ones I first commented on, it was a small list and the subs themselves were pretty small too at the time. So downloading just those subs from the torrent was pretty speedy and easy.

After that I came up with a quick script (based on the example scripts by the pushshift team’s github) at https://github.com/Watchful1/PushshiftDumps to parse and find my comments and spit out the comment ids into a text file.

Next, I modifed the super useful script at https://github.com/luphoria/reddit-migration one last time to accept a list of comment ids in a text file (instead of asking reddit for them), and then had it overwrite them all.

Looks like I won’t be needing that GDPR archive after all, thanks for nuttin reddit!!

Hat-tip: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36038684

Waiting for one sub to go public so I can finish erasing my content, then I can delete knowing I didn’t leave a single thing behind.

Edit: Here are the patches btw.

For reddit-migration: https://kbin.social/m/DataDumps/t/65055/reddit-migration-patch

And for the pushshift scripts: https://kbin.social/m/DataDumps/t/65054/pushdump-patch