FINALLY someone thought up “what are you gonna do, vote for the other guy???”

collecting a sweet paycheck advising dems to do the same fucking shit for literally decades

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    11 months ago

    Not really. Obama notoriously destroyed his entire political apparatus once it had served his purpose, then let the Dems lose over a thousand state level seats across the country. Hillary operates a patronage network of absolute ghouls. Most Dem politicians have a grip on power they won’t relinquish this side of death.

    The party isn’t really a party, it’s thousands of vaguely ideologically aligned self-serving individuals united entirely on the basis of not being Republicans. There’s no real leadership, no one is developing a new generation to replace the old, there’s no coherent ideological goal beyond more austerity and more war. There’s little or no meaningful grass-roots participation; Dem political candidates are chosen almost entirely on the basis of how much money they can raise through the Democratic patronage networks. Most of the Dem voters have no idea about any of this. I don’t think many of them even understand what a real political party is.

      11 months ago

      Obama notoriously destroyed his entire political apparatus once it had served his purpose

      How? What is this referring to?

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Obama more or less demobilized all the people who had volunteered for him / fought for him / against the republicans after he got in power. When obama was sworn in, quite a lot of people predicted a sea change in the American political system, since Obama was seen as the tidebringer of a new generation of motivated Democrats. The problem was that since he chose to not use his immense popularity for much, a lot of that energy that came from the financial crisis and the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan was just allowed to vanish/dissipate, including a lot of the vaguely related groups that had helped Obama get elected. For instance the ACORN org which mostly did voter registration in poor / minority neighbourhoods was defunded after a Project Veritas hit-job, since Obama understood politics as him having to work with the conservatives (in both parties) and those guys fucking hated him at every turn.