• sarsaparilyptus@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    I have a quick question before I rip your comment to shreds: are you intentionally misinterpreting me, or are your reading comprehension skills just super, super bad? Because I read your entire comment and it’s abundantly clear that you missed the point completely. Like, you’re not even close. If English isn’t your first language, that would probably explain it; is it?

    • jmp242@sopuli.xyz
      1 year ago

      I’m generally considered to have good reading comprehension and English is my first language. Given the other posts below you, have you considered you are really bad at writing clearly?

      • sarsaparilyptus@lemmy.fmhy.ml
        1 year ago

        I’m generally considered to have good reading comprehension

        I have no idea why you’re thinking I’m anti-vax. I’m pro-vax.

        Dude, seriously? Give me a break.

        You have also said the following:

        Ok, so if you read that - we’re going to take away the only form of transportation for these people and worry about fixing it later - that’s what lead to my initial reply.

        Already wrong. But let’s continue.

        Do you dispute this? Am I making an unfounded leap of logic that many people need a car to get to a store and bring back food?

        Yes, you are genuinely making an unfound leap of logic, it’s called begging the question. That’s your entire problem, really.

        And these people tend to not be in heavily populated areas.

        Yeah you mentioned this a few times.

        But the other thing that isn’t teased out that I can see is how that riskier driving interacts with cities. That is, NY data is by population overwhelmed by the NYC area, and maybe Buffalo. But that’s by land area - you know, places people might drive - like 1% of the state. So when you’re likely to be the only car on the road, or one of a few - how does the risk change there from a public policy perspective?

        People don’t drive on the land per se, they drive on roads—you know, the places people might drive. Where the fuck do you think all the roads are? I’ll give you hint, it’s where the people are, as evidenced by every road atlas ever printed.

        And let’s not forget these gems:

        I’m also pro proving you can drive to drive, but we don’t do that in the US

        Actually we do do that. It’s the aptitude test they have at the DMV when you get your license. The one you also have to get re-tested on when your license expires. The one I’ve been talking about this entire time.

        I really thought your characterizations
        >Letting blind people with dementia
        was hyperbole because if that is what you mean exactly - I don’t think we actually let blind people drive.

        I agree. I propose that people whose vision is naturally deteriorating be screened more often so that we catch the ones who are too blind to drive. Again, this is my entire point. You know what else it is? It’s already the law in some states, such as the one I cited, and those states have declining rates of road death, like I cited. And yet I can just feel that this is going to sail right over your head.