Eight in Japanese is 八 which looks similar to katakana “ha” ハ and has the readings ハチ(hachi) ハツ(hatsu) や(ya) よう(you) Dates are usually written as 8月8日(8th month 8th day) though and the only onomatopoeia for stomach growling I can find is ごろごろ (gorogoro). Am I too stupid to get this? I can’t see how the date 8/8 resembles the noise of a rumbling stomach
If i had to guess, what they’re most likely refering to isn’t onomatopoeia, but it’s pronunciation. Vore in Japanese is 「丸呑み」(swallow whole) which is pronounced as まるのみ and sounds like 「丸のみ」(only circles) .
Using this as a rule for the date, the digits must be composed of only circles, i.e. either 0 or 8. This leaves only 8月8日 which fits the criteria.
Eight in Japanese is 八 which looks similar to katakana “ha” ハ and has the readings ハチ(hachi) ハツ(hatsu) や(ya) よう(you) Dates are usually written as 8月8日(8th month 8th day) though and the only onomatopoeia for stomach growling I can find is ごろごろ (gorogoro). Am I too stupid to get this? I can’t see how the date 8/8 resembles the noise of a rumbling stomach
I guess in katakana “gorogoro” would be ゴロゴロ, which when written vertically in two lines would look vaguely like 8/8? Just guessing…
That took me a moment to visualize in my head but yeah that could be it!
If i had to guess, what they’re most likely refering to isn’t onomatopoeia, but it’s pronunciation. Vore in Japanese is 「丸呑み」(swallow whole) which is pronounced as まるのみ and sounds like 「丸のみ」(only circles) .
Using this as a rule for the date, the digits must be composed of only circles, i.e. either 0 or 8. This leaves only 8月8日 which fits the criteria.
Just reading gorogoro made me hungry…