Ok so i talked to our resident machinist at work (he does really cool shit like converting a 3axis CNC into 5Axis mill at home) and asked him about the motor. Bluegill and our Resident Machinist had the same Idea. that the motor wasn’t wired for 110V and that’s why it flicks on and off. however i opened up the motor to tried to wire it to low voltage diagram Which i assume is 115v. However the guy who wired this up originally didn’t wire it up anywhere close to the diagram and i have no idea how to wire it up right as the original diagram is super hard to read and i don’t understand the terminology. Like t5 or t10, I have wired a 3d Printer before so it isn’t my first rodeo wiring but i have no idea how to wire up this motor correctly. that’s where smart people like you come in, i need help wiring the motor and the diagram is hard to understand for my very smol hamster brain like mine.

so from what i understand. this my recreation of all the diagrams also im glad i took it apart because the drive pully for the motor i could slide off with my hand and one of the terminals wiggled inside the motor.

as-well as pictures of the original wiring and board