Popular news aggregation and discussion website Reddit has changed its terms of service, allowing users to earn, purchase or sell currencies and items that can be cryptographically verified. The change in terms also explicitly outlined a clear separation in the definition of non-tokenized Web 2 virtual goods and tokenized Web 3 virtual goods, with a member of the Reddit product team disclosing plans to sunset the former.

  • socsa@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    The problem is that the Blockchain needs to support actual applications with actual intrinsic value in order for the coins to also have intrinsic value in order to incentivize participation in the network. That application has to be more than just payment processing for the coins, because it’s kind of shitty at doing that compared to current infrastructure. And because that entire logic is very circular.

    The reality is that as a compute or database model, Blockchains have a lot more overhead and don’t scale well. The marginal utility of having a decentralized application with some consensus-based validation layer just doesn’t rise above those limitations imposed by the tech so far.