Weird thing has started to happen the last day or two. My Subscribed flow is suddenly filled with old posts. For example this:
There are no replies that are even close to as old as the post itself is which indicates that something fishy is going on. Someone got the post in their flow now and therefore started to reply to it.
This is just one example of many in my flow right now…
So is there a bug or something going on?
I see them if I sort by anything other than new or top(short timeframe)
If someone replies to a post, it bumps it up active/hot
Yes, I thought of that being the reason too. However, that implies that someone just found a years old post a couple of days ago and felt that now was the time to reply to it?
Not only that… A lot of people did that exact same thing in multiple other posts that least couple of days?
I’m not saying it’s impossible but it just feels weird that it never happened in my flow before and not suddenly I have multiple years old posts popping up.
I noticed that if you go down in “hot” more than the equivalent of a few “pages” in jerboa (let’s say you just keep scrolling through posts until you hit like #150 or so down) or starts to give you really old posts.
Not sure if it’s how the hot algorithm is supposed to work but there’s also not a lot of content that’s from pre-reddit-implosion (~June 1 for people to really start moving over) so it could just be the amount of people significantly overtaking the amount of content.
I got a 3 year old post come up on “hot” and “all” yesterday. It was about 15 posts down, definitely on the first page of results as it were. The post had one comment from someone the day before, but like OP said, these posts are still showing up for someone first.
Yeah. It might be the Exodus playing a role here.
But it still messes up my hot subscribed flow significantly.